Our Ministries

Heritage Chapel have several ministries...

Below is the details of all ministries in the church:

The Choir ministry leads the church in ministering to The LORD in praise, worship and special songs in all services. As the choir leads the congregation into the high praises of God and ultimately His presence, God Himself comes down with His blessings Psalm 22:3.

The Group uses the instrumentality of music to proclaim the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Prayer dept. intercedes for members of the church. Prayers are rendered twice a week for the spiritual and all-round growth of members of the church. The Group also makes supplications for continuous sanctification of the church and intercessions for a great harvest of souls. The Vision statement of this department is that: “The church may yield to the move of The Holy Spirit in our midst, allowing it to change us into a glorious church not having spot or wrinkle in preparation for our day of rapture”.

The core values of the department are: Excellence, Discipline, Commitment and Obedience.

The vision statement of this department is to show the love of Christ through charity by providing food and other essentials of life for needy families in the community. “And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, In as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these, my brethren, ye have done it unto Me” (Matt 25:40).

The department oversees the bi-weekly Community Outreach Food Fair Program. About 250 families are provided (free) with over 10,000 pounds of groceries every other week.

The mission of this department is to be God’s mouth piece for speaking the Word of God. The department seeks to be used by Christ as a vessel to encourage others in the study of The Word of God which should lead to members living a Holy life.

Functions of the department includes: Teaching and encouraging love for the word of God, Follow up on the imparted knowledge by way of class participation and quarterly quizzes; and Enlightening whatever misconceptions concerning the Christian race and The word of God.

There are 5 Sunday School classes Favor Class, Mercy Class, Goodness Class, Glory Class and Wisdom Class (or Elders Class 50 Years and above). Sunday School ministration takes place every Sunday at 9.30am.

The vision of the men’s group is foster brotherly love among men in the church and to also ensure spiritual and financial transformation of the men. The Group organizes various empowerment workshops and seminars for the men.

Functions of the Group include – championing any development project in the church; mobilizing men for all church programs and working in conjunction with other groups to enhance church growth.

The Group meets every 2nd Saturday of the month “Breakfasting Meeting” 8am – 9.30am. During the Breakfast meeting, praises and prayers are offered to God, brethren examine and share the Holy Scriptures together, Special Papers/presentations are made by experts in various fields (e.g. Budgeting, Investments, Health and Wellness, etc.), thereafter refreshments are served.

The core values of the Group are: Excellence, Discipline, Selflessness and Commitment. The department holds an annual Men of Valor Conference, usually around October.

The women’s ministry centers on meeting the spiritual needs of women in the church by helping them to grow in their faith in Jesus Christ. The vision of the Group is to born in every woman of the church, “a virtuous woman”. The group encourages spiritual growth, personal development and leadership among women in Isaac Generation. The Group organizes various empowerment workshops and seminars for women. The Women’s group meets every 2nd Saturday “Praise Time” from 8am 9.30am. Praises, dances and worship are rendered to God for 60 minutes, thereafter there is a testimony section followed by refreshments.

Functions of the Group include – fostering spiritual growth of all women in the church and contributing to the ecstatic needs of the church.

Core values of the group are: Excellence, Discipline, Oneness in the home, and virtue. The department holds an annual Women’s Conference, usually around November.

This is the Youths Ministry of the Church. Its vision is “simply to become the best at what we do, Youths of God’s Kingdom. To strengthen the popularity of the church by expanding our core activities and ensuring spiritual growth within the department.” The Mission statement of the group is – “As we are the Delight of the Lord, our mission is to minister the Word of God to all that we come across through lyrical and biblical expressions, singspiration, dance, drama and any other vital area of visual and performing arts.

Our ministrations are performed in order to pass across a message to the world that we are here to stay and the Kingdom of God is our utmost priority and then bringing as many as we can with us to see our Savior”.

The core values of the Group include but are not limited to the following: Discipline, Responsibility, Integrity, Availability, Loyalty, Honesty, Righteousness, Respect, Diversity, Learning, Collaboration, Positive Influence, Vibrancy, Excellence, Innovation and Intellectual Talent. The department holds an annual Youths Conference, usually around August.

The Group consists of everyone who is 50 years and above. The mission of this Group is to grow in Christ Jesus by ministering to one another and the church through fellowship, encouragement and edification. The Group encourages church Elders to be seriously involved in serving The Lord. It also creates an excitement to continue in the things of The Lord, by consolidating Elders’ fellowship with beneficial programs.

Additionally, the group cultivates a strong prayer life among the Elders by establishing PRAYER LINE that everyone can connect to. It also provides leadership and encouragement to the younger families in the church.

The core values of the group include – Excellence, Discipline, Obedience, Honor, Respect, Integrity, Brokenness and Genuine Humility. The Group holds an annual Elder’s Conference, usually around April.Greeters